What makes you successful online learning

Successful online learning depends on how we use online learning. Learning through online could make students be distracted. However, if students have time limits to do the work, they can concentrate on their learning. Also feedback is important in online learning. If there is not any feedback, online work is not helpful to students


Digital Age Critical Thinking

I think it is difficult to define what it means to be information literate. Nowadays, there are a lot of information that we cannot control all of it. It is impossible to use all information in proper way. However, we can teach our students to have the skills essential to information literacy. Students have to learn how to use information properly. First of all, since there are a lot of false information, credibility of information is important. Therefore teachers have to teach how to evaluate the information. There are some standards which helps us evaluate whether the information is valid or not. In this point of view, education can make students be effective users of the information!!!



Using Video creation or podcasting in classroom makes class variety. Instead of just using paper and pencil, if a teacher encourages students to use various materials, students can develop their creativity.
In my future classroom, I will use videos or podcasting a lot. In case of video, I will collect photos of our students, activities, excursions etc and make videos for students and their parents. Also, I will have students make videos about science experiment. THis way is much better than written report.

In case of podcast, students can discuss about classroom topic. For example, if there is a given topic, students can record their opinion about the topic. Also they can create unique assignment such as reciting a poem. Students can listen how their friends recite the poem!!!



Flicker is very useful tool for classroom. There are several ways to use Flicker in my future classroom.
First, I want to use Flicker to upload my classroom’s photos. It could be students’ photos, classroom photos, students’ works, and so on. Therefore, I would like to share these photos with students and their parents.
Second, since I can add notes to parts of image, I want to use Flicker in class. For example, in science class, if I give some pictures with explanation to students, I can use Flicker!!! Adding explanation will help students understand better.
Third, I want my students to do online discussion. If I posted some pictures related to social issues, or classroom issue, students can discuss about that.



A blog is updated frequently. The information in blog can be removed or edited easily.
A website is rarely changed. This is my classroom website!!!


Presentation Design

This book is very useful to me because when I become a teacher, I have to use powerpoint or prezi. Of course I have made a lot of powerpoints. What I found was that in presentation, not only information is important but also how to organize and design the information are important. Powerpoints that I have created over the years were not perfectly fit with designing principles. This is because I knew just a few of principles. I tried to make my powerpoints The elements that I already know before reading this book was ‘picture superiority effect’. When I was in high school, almost every teacher used powerpoints. Some of them used pictures with information, but there were some teachers using text only. What I noticed was that I could not concentrate with text only powerpoints. I was really distracted. However, when pictures were provided, I could easily absorb the informations.

SNR and empty space theory were new information to me. SNR means Signal vs Noise ratio. It helps to communicate clearly. Many examples in this book helps me to understand SNR theory. Also empty space theory was an interesting theory to me. If there are no empty space in my powerpoints, people would not concentrate on powerpoints. Giving some empty space to powerpoint makes it more positive and fresh.

When I become a teacher, I will use powerpoint or prezi for my classes. This is because I believe it is the most effective way to convey information. I hace to consider presentation design theory making ppt. Also I want my students to learn some presentation design skills so that they can learn how to organize information effectively. I believe it is important for students to communicate well in the 21st century. They have to learn how to move their audiences, and how to persuade them by their powerpoints.


Model appropriate citations

1. As future teachers, why will it be important for you to model appropriate citations and seek permission to use copyrighted work?

Students follow their teahcers easily whether it is good or bad. That is why a teacher has to be a good example of students. A teacher has to be right model for students. In case of citations and copyrighted work, I have to teach my students how important citations and getting permission to use copyrighted work are. This is because students in the elementary school do not know exactly about citations and permission to use copyrighted work. We have to teach our children to be appropriate internet and information users.


Experiencing Web 2.0

1. First website is PHOTOSHOW. The purpose of this website is to make videos with photos!! So we can create and share special moments. The functions of the website meet my expectations. I want to use this website to make videos with my class’s events, or students works. I want to gather their works to make videos using this website. This could be another valuable work. Parents could also see what their children do. The biggest adventage of this website is that it is easy to make it so that students can easily use this website. I could not find what worked poorly in this website.

2. Second website is CARROTSTICKS. The purpose of this website is to help students improve their math skills. It’s an online multiplayer game that helps students practice math and compete with peers. I will use this website to make students have interest in math. They could be interested because they can design their own characters, and compete with peers. One thing that work well in this website is that students can control their problem difficulty level. This website is useful to both parents and students. Students can enjoy math, and parents can help their children who have trouble with math.

3. Third website is TIKATOK. This website is what I really like to use. The purpose of this website is to write, illustrate, and publish a real book. So students can write their own stories and get the real book!!! I will encourage students to make their own stories, or we can make one story written by all classmates!! It is useful to students’ writing and corporation skills. The biggest advantage of this website is that anyone could be an author of the real book!! I am sure it could be a valuable experience.